Collister Twins Countdown

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm 8 weeks pregnant with fraternal TWINS!! Most of you reading this have already heard the news, as I couldn't contain my excitement. I sort of had a feeling that we might end up with a double scoop when the embryologist came into the room right before the frozen embryo transfer and was gushing about how "beautiful" and "perfect" the embryos were. She went on to mention how they applied a little bit of embryonic super glue to one of them just to help it "stick". Then she put a paper in front of my face asking me to sign and acknowledge the "risk" of multiples. I thought about it for a nanosecond and said "Let's do it" and signed on the dotted line. (Oh yeah, and Jeremy was away on a business trip so I made the executive decision. And yes, like the Holy Mother I did get knocked up without the interference of a man...LOL!!) Anyways, that was quite a "talk" we had to have when he came home. Just kidding...we discussed ahead of time of course.

We figured, hey they put two embryos in when we conceived Vannin and only one stuck - and those were fresh, these ones are frozen. What are the odds they'll both take? We'll gamble.

So she asks me to sign the waiver, First of all, what was I going to do - put one back in the freezer? The babies have been chillin on ice for the last 2 years - was I going to send one back?!? No! Plus, if you remember from when I was going through IVF with Vannin, I was excited and hopeful then that we could possibly have twins. It must have been a desire that God planted in my heart, because I don't know a whole lotta people that HOPE for twins (including Jeremy)! But I know that I know that I know that I am destined to be these children's mother, we are destined to be a family, and I truly have peace (of course, I also have sleep right now which makes it a bit easier to have that ever elusive peace...LOL).

There are the usual questions such as how will we handle it all, afford it all, live through it all. But I can't help but believe that if God chose to bring both of these babies to life, then he will provide all the resources to not just survive, but thrive. (Starting with a really good nanny....) I consider it my highest calling, honor, and privilege to serve God by bringing these beautiful human beings into the world, and to help them discover all of the gifts and intentions and dreams he has for their lives. I love all of you that followed me on the journey of my pregnancy with Vannin, and those that have stood by us as we celebrated bringing him into the world, and walking alongside him as his parents. When we were getting ready to do the frozen embryo transfer this time, I told the Lord - if all I ever have is Vannin, that is more than enough. And I meant it. But God is good, he can only do good, and he chose to expand his blessing on our lives by giving us two more precious ones to love.

I went through alot of pain and longing in my journey to conceive Vannin, and I have several friends who have gone through or are still going through the same. I don't know why God allows us to go through periods of suffering, and unfulfilled longing. But I choose to believe that he sufffers alongside us, he catches every tear, and even in our darkest moment, as we trust him and surrendur our will to him, he is moving every molecule in the universe to bring about His will, His purpose, His plan. And it's better than anything we are imagining it could be. I know from experience that the only way to survive the valleys without losing your joy is to cling ever tightly to Him, to pray for increased faith to continue to trust him, and to receive the hope he is holding out in his hand to give you as you wait. I pray blessings on all of you - may God minster to you, breathe upon you, and hold you tightly while you wait for him to release the desires of his heart to you.

I am basking in the light of His face this very moment, as I feel his love for me through these two tiny little lives I am carrying.

Peace, Love, and Lots o' Babies,


The "beautiful" and "perfect" embryos, right before they were implanted.

First Ultrasound - 4 weeks - 2 gestational sacs

7 week ultrasound - angle is wierd so one looks super tiny, but they are actually measuring only 1 day apart - both are about half an inch long